The London Art Fair

19 – 24th January 2016, London


anders red rocks

Anders Knutsson

‘Red Rocks’ 2014, 28 x 85 cm, Oil on Canvas




Lesley Hilling

‘Almadina’ 2015 90 x 100 cm antique wood, objects and piano parts



Vascular Landscape

Douglas McDougall

Vascular Portrait 2015 140 x 100 cm



Trepanation - Masimba Hwati

Masimba Hwati

Trepanation 2015, 70 x 120 x 20 cm mixed media with baboon skull




Christian Furr

‘Soumantrain’ 2010 20 x 30 cm oil on panel



Field Form

Simon Gaiger

‘Field Form’ 2013 173 x 55 x 72 cm solid Ash and lime wash